Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019


#pace 03 | 06 | 2019 Link

Putin muss endlich die ukrainischen Seeleute freilassen  

Statt diplomatischen Druck auf Putin auszuüben, will das alte Europa, besonders Deutschland und Frankreich, den russischen Präsidenten in die parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates zurückholen – aus falsch verstandener Kulanz. Das ist ein Fehler.   Foto: picture alliance/dpa   >>
#pace 29 | 05 | 2019 Link

Rebecca Harms: Germany and France should stop supporting Russia’s unconditional return to PACE  

A few days ago, the International Maritime Tribunal in Hamburg ruled in favor of the Ukrainian lawsuit and ruled that Russia must immediately release   >>
#deutsche welle 18 | 04 | 2019 Link

AfD lawmaker to travel to Crimea despite international protest  

The far-right AfD insists on subverting the German government's official stance on Crimea. But experts say that has less to do with regional peace efforts than with the spread of populism in Germany. FOTO: picture-alliance/TASS/S. Malgavko     >>
#russia 17 | 04 | 2019

Rebecca Harms demands to unconditionally release all Ukrainian political prisoners on the Russian territory and in the occupied Crimea  

Rebecca Harms and other MEPs have sent a letter to Mr. Roman Sushchenko, who is a Ukrainian political prisoner in Russia   >>
#gas directive 04 | 04 | 2019

Nord Stream 2: Equal rules for all   

Today, the vast majority of Members of the European Parliament adopted the amendment to the EU Gas Directive that will also apply to pipelines from third countries into the European Union, such as the (German-Russian) Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project of the Russian gas company   >>
#gasrichtlinie 04 | 04 | 2019

Nord Stream 2: Gleiche Spielregeln für alle  

(Foto: dpa) Die EU-Gasrichtlinie gilt zukünftig auch für Pipelines, die aus Drittstaaten in die Europäische Union führen, wie das deutsch-russische Gaspipeline-Projekt Nord Stream 2 des russischen Gasunternehmens Gazprom. Die große Mehrheit der Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments stimmte heute für die überarbeitete Gasrichtlinie.   >>
#desinformation 13 | 03 | 2019

Plenarrede zu Maßnahmen gegen Desinformation  

Rebeccas Rede zur Strategischen Kommunikation der EU, um gegen sie gerichteter Propaganda durch Dritte entgegenzuwirken.   >>
#russland 12 | 03 | 2019

Plenarrede zu den politischen Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Russland  

Rebeccas Rede zum Bericht über die politischen Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und Russland.   >>
#euractive 07 | 03 | 2019 Link

US and NATO step up presence in increasingly tense Black Sea region  

To counter the growing Russian threat, there is a need for increased military presence across Europe and beyond, a top NATO commander in Europe told US lawmakers on Tuesday (5 March). PHOTO: EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT   >>
#energy 13 | 02 | 2019

Nord Stream 2: Unbundling to limit power of gas giants  

Agreement has been reached on the revision of the Gas Directive. Representatives of the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission agreed last night that EU rules would also apply to pipelines from third countries into the European Union, such as the German-Russian gas  pipeline project Nord Stream 2.    >>
#sakharov prize 22 | 12 | 2018 Link

After Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov receives an EU prize, what prospects for solidarity?   

Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov was recently awarded the annual Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. This should put more pressure on the EU to rethink   their relations to Russia, says Green MEP Rebecca Harms.     >>
#sakharov prize 12 | 12 | 2018

Rebecca Harms congratulating Sakharov laureate Oleg Sentsov  

Today the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought has been awarded to Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov at the European Parliament in Strasburg. His cousin, Ms Nataliya Kaplan, who represented Oleg Sentsov, has been handed the prize.   >>
#sakharov prize 12 | 12 | 2018

Rebecca Harms gratuliert Sacharow-Preisträger Oleg Sentsov  

Heute wurde der Sacharow-Preis für geistige Freiheit an den ukrainischen Filmregisseur Oleg Sentsov im Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg verliehen. Seine Cousine Nataliya Kaplan, die Oleg Sentsov vertrat, nahm den Preis entgegen.   >>
#sakharov prize 12 | 12 | 2018

Sakharov Prize 2018: MEPs read out names of political Ukrainian prisoners   

On the occasion of the 2018 Award Ceremony of the Sakharov Prize MEPs from different political groups have created this video, in which they read out all the names of the Ukrainian prisoners   >>
#russland 11 | 12 | 2018

Russia's political prisoners  

In the run-up to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, Rebecca launched a joint campaign between the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament and the MEMORIAL Human Rights Centre Russia, addressing FIFA. As part of the campaign, FIFA and its member organisations were asked to address the human rights situation in Russia, fight for the release of political prisoners from Russian prisons   >>
#ukraine 26 | 11 | 2018

Quote Rebecca Harms on the military escalation in the Sea of Azov  

On the developments concerning Russian aggression towards Ukrainian vessels in the Kerch Strait, off the Crimean peninsula illegally annexed by Russia, Rebecca Harms   >>
#russland 29 | 10 | 2018

Russlands politische Gefangene  

Im Vorfeld der FIFA Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2018 in Russland hat Rebecca eine gemeinsame   >>
#link 23 | 10 | 2018

Debate in the EU Parliament on Russia's breach of international law in the Sea of Azov  

With the construction of the Kerch bridge and the sea blockade in the Sea of Azov, which has been ongoing for months now, Russia is continuing its illegal occupation of Crimea and breaking international law once again   >>
#open democracy 15 | 07 | 2018 Link

Khayrullo Mirsaidov: the journalist from Tajikistan who received 12 years in prison for his honesty and courage   

The west cannot preach democracy and free media in Tajikistan while leaving the locals who implement these principles to fend for themselves.   >>
#human rights 12 | 07 | 2018

Letter from a political prisoner  

I was deeply touched by these strong words of resilience from Server Mustafaiev, a Crimean Human Rights activist, who has been held in detention in Russia since his arrest on 21 May 2018. Last time when I talked to Server over Video conference, he was a Human Rights activist, he now is a political prisoner.   >>
#ukraine 09 | 07 | 2018

Quote from Rebecca Harms on the 20th EU-Ukraine Summit  

The 20th EU-Ukraine Summit took place today, the first since the   >>
#ukraine 28 | 06 | 2018

Conference: Making Peace in Donbas – The Role of a Peacekeeping Mission   

A joint event co-organised by the Greens/EFA, the Atlantic Council –Eurasia Centre and ALDE .   >>
#georgia 18 | 06 | 2018

Plenary speech: Rebecca Harms on the situation in Georgia 10 years after Russian Occupation  

On 12 June 2018, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a debate took place on the subject of the Georgian occupied territories ten years after the Russian invasion.   >>
#oleg sentsov 18 | 06 | 2018

Plenary speech: Rebecca Harms on Russia, notably the case of Oleg Sentsov  

On 14 June 2018, MEPs held a debate in the EU-Parliament in Strasbourg, in the frame of a resolution on Russia, notably the case of Ukrainian political prisoner Oleg Sentsov.   >>
#fifa world cup 14 | 06 | 2018

Open Letter to FIFA President, Mr Infantino  

36 MEPs signed an open letter to Mr Gianni Infantino, President of FIFA, to urge him to follow the FIFA's own rules, and do everything they can to improve the human rights situation in the countries they chose to host the World Cup, and its training camps.   >>
#oleg sentsov 13 | 06 | 2018

Fußball WM: Europäisches Parlament fordert Freilassung politischer Gefangener  

Die sofortige Freiheit für den in Russland inhaftierten ukrainischen Regisseur Oleg Sentsov,   >>
#oleg sentsov 13 | 06 | 2018

World Cup: European Parliament to call for release of political prisoners  

The European Parliament will tomorrow call for the release of Oleg Sentsov,   >>
#fifa 11 | 06 | 2018

FIFA Fußballweltmeisterschaft: Russlandkarte  

Im Vorfeld der FIFA Fußballweltmeisterschaft in Russland startet die Fraktion der Grünen/EFA im Europäischen Parlament eine Kampagne, die sich an die FIFA richtet.   >>
#zdf 11 | 06 | 2018 Link

Wie politisch ist der Sport?   

Fußball, Russland und die Moral: Gerade einmal auf Platz 148 von 180 steht Russland auf der Weltrangliste der Pressefreiheit. Soll die deutsche Politik die WM boykottieren?     >>
#deutschlandfunk 11 | 06 | 2018 Link

Gehören politische Debatten zur WM nach Russland?  

Selten wurde im Vorfeld einer WM so sehr über das Gastgeberland diskutiert. Die angespannte Situation zwischen Moskau und dem Westen wird zweifellos eine Rolle spielen. Im Dlf-Sportgespräch haben Rebecca Harms (Die Grünen), Bijan Djir-Sarai (FDP) und ZDF-Sportchef Thomas Fuhrmann diskutiert.   >>
#fifa 08 | 06 | 2018

FIFA: Play fair... Fight for the Forgotten!   

In the run-up to the FIFA World Cup in Russia the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is launching a campaign to address FIFA. We urge FIFA and its members to be more vocal on the human rights situation in Russia, fight for the release of political prisoners from Russian prisons and finally take over their collective responsibility for human rights   >>
#debating europe 31 | 05 | 2018 Link

Is Russia now a strategic enemy of Europe?  

Debating Europe asked MEPs from all sides of the political spectrum to stake out their positions on this question, and it’s up to YOU to vote for the policies you favour.   >>
#interpol 31 | 05 | 2018

Open Letter to Interpol on international arrest warrants  

Following the arrest of Bill Browder in Spain based on an Interpol arrest warrant from Russia, Rebecca Harms sent an open letter to Interpol urging the authorities not to accept the abuse of the system by Russian authorities.   >>
#mh17 24 | 05 | 2018

Rebecca Harms on the interim report of the investigation on the downing of the MH17 aircraft  

Today, the Joint Investigation Team in charge of investigating the downing of the passenger aircraft MH17 over Eastern Ukraine in July 2014, presented its interim results in an intermediary report   >>
#mh17 24 | 05 | 2018

Rebecca Harms zum Zwischenbericht über den Abschuss des Passagierflugzeugs MH17  

Heute hat das internationale Ermittlungsteam seinen Zwischenbericht über den Abschuss des Passagierflugzeugs MH17 über der Ostukraine vorgestellt   >>
#11 freunde 04 | 05 | 2018 Link

"Politiker sonnen sich im Glanz der Weltmeisterschaft"  

Rebecca Harms fordert zum politischen WM-Boykott auf. 60 EU-Parlamentarier haben ihr Aufruf unterschrieben. Es hätten mehr sein können. Doch manche schielen schon aufs Finale     >>
#hromadske 30 | 04 | 2018

What New EU Gas Pipeline Rules Mean for Ukraine  

Concerns over the EU’s dependence on Russian natural gas have continuously delayed the construction of the Nord Stream II pipeline. Now, two more “major and for Ukrainian interests positive developments” have taken place   >>
#russia 27 | 04 | 2018

Open-letter: request for additional sanctions against Russia  

45 MEPs, among whom Rebecca Harms, signed an open-letter addressed to the Heads of State and Government of the EU Member States,   >>
#russland 23 | 04 | 2018 Link

Wegen Krieg in Syrien und auf der Krim: EU-Parlamentarier rufen zum WM-Boykott auf  

60 EU-Parlamentarier haben Staats- und Regierungschefs zum Boykott der WM aufgerufen.   >>