Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

#ukraine    11 | 07 | 2017

Quote ahead of EU-Ukraine Summit in Kyiv

The EU-Ukraine Summit will be held in Kiev on 12 and 13 July. Ahead of the meeting Rebecca Harms , Member of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and Co-President of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly comments:

"Two major goals of recent years have been achieved. The long sought visa-free regime for Ukraine has been implemented. Following the results of the election in the Netherlands, the Dutch blockade of the Association Agreement has been lifted and it can now finally be put into effect. These successes do not mean that the necessary reforms in Ukraine or the aggression of Russia towards EU-Ukraine relations can be neglected or forgotten."

"The progress we have seen at the negotiation table and in legislation in Ukraine needs to be implemented. There has been success in the reform on decentralization. The citizens of Ukraine absolutely want the EU, its Member States and the G7 countries to push for a systematic fight against corruption in Ukraine. Both the President and the government should not touch upon the independence of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). The establishment of an independent anticorruption court must not be blocked any longer. In addition to combating corruption, the fight against poverty must also be given a higher priority.

"The EU must not, however, forget about the horrific consequences of war and occupation in the east of Ukraine, or that Ukrainians are paying a high price for opposing Putin's aggressive policy. The non-military EU response towards Putin's aggression can only be successful if  we demonstrate European unity and clarity towards the Kremlin. The sanctions must not be permanently questioned before its goals have been achieved. Projects such as the Nord Stream II or turbines of Siemens on Crimea are counter-productive to the EU's goals."

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