Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

#turkey    20 | 03 | 2018

Verdict of the ECHR on Turkey

Today, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has condemned Turkey for the arrest of two journalists, Mehmet Altan and Sahin Alpay, following the failed coup d'état and thus sided with the decision of the Turkish Constitutional Court.

Rebecca Harms, Green Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and expert on Turkey, comments today's ruling by the European Court of Human Rights:

"This long overdue ruling by the European Court of Human Rights comes too late and also bears disappointment: Mehmet Altan has already been sentenced and the Court did not rule on their complaint that they had been detained for expressing critical opinions about the government authorities. Nonetheless, the ECHR ruled that the long-term detention of the journalists and the disregard of the verdict of the Turkish Constitutional Court had violated their fundamental rights and that criticism of the government should not attract criminal charges for assisting a terrorist organisation. I do hope that this ruling can still lead the way to the release of Mehmet Altan and of Sahin Alpay. The Turkish government should immediately implement the ruling of the ECHR and the Turkish courts should respect this decision in all trials. The normalization of relations between Turkey, the EU and its Member States can only happen on the condition that Turkey returns to the rule of law and to the protection of fundamental human rights. Comprehensive implementation of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights could be a first step in the right direction."

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