Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

#polen    27 | 07 | 2016

EU-Commission puts forward concrete demands for democratic reform in Poland

Seeing systemic threat to the rule of law in Poland, the EU-Commission has decided today, to enter the next phase of the rule of law framework. Today’s decision underlines once again that the Polish government has so far failed to address the criticism. The reform of the Polish constitutional court remains the most worrying part, as it undermines a central pillar of Polish democracy. Today’s decision sends a strong signal of support towards the opposition movement fighting for democracy in Poland.

More information here: Press release by the European Commission on their concrete demands and timeline for democratic reforms in Poland. 

#polen   #poland   #rechsstaat   #demokratie   #democracy   #europa