Rebecca Harms

Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments in der Grünen/EFA Fraktion 2004-2019

#ukraine    24 | 04 | 2018

Harms for Chernobyl anniversary in Kharkiv, 25-28 April 2018

On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster on 26th of April, Rebecca Harms travels to Kharkiv, Ukraine.

In Kharkiv, she participates at the X International Triennial of the Eco-Poster "the 4th Block". The Ukrainian Graphic Designers Association "the 4thBlock", named after the reactor block four in Chernobyl, organises the Triennial every three years since 1991, which exhibits art and design focussing on sustainability and environmental policies. Rebecca Harms will award the winners of the Triennial.

Together with the organisers, Rebecca Harms will commemorate the nuclear accident at the Chernobyl monument in Kharkiv and will meet with representatives of the local authorities. Additionally, she will have a meeting with victims of the incident at the Chernobyl Historical Workshop, an exhibition where Kharkiv liquidators are the guides.

Rebecca Harms will also visit the office of the local anti-corruption organisation ANTICOR to back the challenging work against corruption.

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